All of our dogs are taken step by step on a proven training program depending on their age and their mental state. They are only progressed to the next level when they are ready to move on depending on each dog's learning curve. Consistency and solid fundamentals are the key to great gundogs. Patience and positive reinforcement are key in keeping a dogs intensity and style. Too many times I have seen dogs that will hunt for you but have no style or intensity because they have been rushed or forced trained. I am a firm believer in bringing out a pups natural instincts at an early age but it has to be done carefully and correctly.
For this reason, Wrangler Kennels offers one, two or three month puppy programs to make sure your pup gets on the right track. Puppy training involves getting your pup on a lot of birds. We start teaching your pup basic commands like whoa and here and later start teaching more advance techniques depending how many months you enroll your pup. We have had a lot of success with the puppies that have come through our puppy training program. Many have gone on to be complete gundogs by the time they were one year old. Most pups that age are still sitting in a kennel somewhere.
We can then bring your dog back to finish his formal gundog training at a later time dependng on his or her learning curve. Gundog training can take anywhere from two to three months depending also on each dog's learning curve. Other factors such as being forced broke to retrieve may take a little longer. I have been training gun dogs for over 20 years and horses most of my life. There are many simularities in the two such as regular consistency and release to pressure methods. We will train your dog to become a complete gundog. This includes yard work, generaral discipline, kennel to the box and truck. Your dog will be introduced to the e-collar and finished on his collar conditioning. Introduction and completion to the gun, teaching your dog to handle by voice command and whistle. Holding point steady to flush or shot depending on your preference. Also your dog will be trained to back and retrieve and taught to condition/road in front of a UTV/ATV. We use pigeons, quail & chukar when training your dogs. Your dogs will also be trained along side our broke dogs to aide in the training process. We typically have three or four additional hands to help out with the duties to make the training process easier on your dog. We also firmly believe in training the owners as well as this is a very important factor that too many times is not taken into consideration.
We also keep our broke dogs on a training regiment in the off season to keep them happy and sharp so we are able to offer training for outside dogs anytime during the year. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your dogs training options and prices. Typically monthly puppy sessions will run $250 per month and gundog training runs $450 per month. This includes all birds but not dog food. We also offer weekend sessions for those of you close enough to travel to Las Cruces at $25 per session. We also offer special discounts for dogs that are bought from us and kept at our kennels for complete dog gundog training.